Sunday 23 August 2009

Johanna called me "Mama"

I cannot describe it.. it just happened. When feeding half way 2 weeks ago, she started calling me Mama.

And now whenever she wants me to pick her up, she'll call "mamamamamama" non-stop and do her "say please" sign.

And yesterday, Jo suddenly knows where is her head. When I sang the song "Head and shoulders, knees and toes" she suddenly pointed to her head. When I asked her to show me where her head was, she again pointed correctly.

And there was 3 weeks ago, when she suddenly held my hands and started walking. She nows understand "hold hands" and "walk walk walk in the light". I sing songs to her for both activity.

And there's the Carebear. I bought her a stuffed toy bear and began teaching her "Bao bao" = hug hug, "Pat pat" = sayang, "Kiss kiss" bear bear. All she can do now to the bear, and to people whom she's comfortable with.

There is tremendous satisfaction in her achieving all the above. All of them took time to be taught. I get so much satisfaction and affirmation whenever Jo picks up one new positive behaviour.

I get an amazing look on hubby's face too, when he goes - "huh, you taught her that?
" Hee.. one of the cheeky things I taught her was belly button. My daughter now knows where it is. When you ask her to show you where Daddy's belly button is, she crawls over, lift up his shirt and place her little finger into the hole.. all to tickle daddy!

I think God is like that too. He must be so satisfied and proud whenever we pick up a new trait that is His character... or values that He upholds.

Though the start was slippery, I'm really thankful for this parenting journey. I enjoy the process of teaching Jo new things. Hehehe... and amazing my all supportive and great husband.

Monday 3 August 2009

Not sure what to feel and think... but just have to look up

Pastor Eugene was sharing this verse in Jeremiah 17 on God testing the heart and searching the mind. How true.

It's good to just pause and know that God's testing and searching through our thoughts and reactions. At the end of the day, it is God we answer to. So no matter what happens and what is going to happen, we need to just hang in there, and hang on God in:

1. Purity (In thoughts and action. Never think of retaliating)
2. Presence (In His provision. God IS IN control!)
3. Power (Power to Love.. choose to Love at all times)

3Ps - People, Programme, Place
Purity, Presence, Power!

I rest in You Lord. Let me rest in You alone.