Wednesday, 8 August 2007


When I was young, my teachers, even friends called me Grace. For some reason, even when I had my ballet exam, the British examiner, though reading my name from the script and also, I wore a name tag with the name "Joyce", she would call me "Grace, could you do a piroutte for me?" And I would know she's calling me and do it. I even had an admin asst write me a memo that reads "Grace, please call xxxxxxxxx".

When I was going for baptism, the Lord strangely, did not lead me to the name Grace, but Hope as in Romans 12:12.

Was wondering the other day, maybe the reason was because, He already reserved the name "Grace" for Vernon and Angelyn's darling daughter.

"Lord, thank you for Grace. Thank you that she will grow up strong in you, knowing You at an early age. Thank you that she will be able to know what is right and wrong, what is pure and destestable, what is noble and what is not, what is pure and what is not, and be able to choose the right path at every big and small junction of her life. Thank you that you will surround her with Godly friends and mentors, such that she will lead her life with great soberness, for You alone. Thank you that she will be a comfort and joy to everyone around her. Bless her Lord, In Jesus Name, Amen."

1 comment:

angie said...

thank you so much. it is beautiful. thank you.

daddy n mummy of grace. not forgetting gor gor gabriel.