Friday, 13 July 2007

My 5th 100K blessing!

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us." 1 John 4:16

I went home on 10 July 2007, wanting to catch dinner with my mother before heading to TCT for Summer Camp briefing. For some reason, my mother was constantly on the phone and I could not seem to get some time catching up with her. Sitting alone in front of the TV, all I could do was pray and proclaim blessings in my parents' house. I also prayed that the Lord would intervene and cut short her phone calls so I could speak with her.

The time grew near to 7pm, when I should be setting off to TCT. As I proceeded to my mum's room, I found her just off the phone, and she greeted me saying "Sit down, I want to talk with you!"

I did, and the next thing I know, she was sharing about her eczema healing and tennis elbow pain decreasing due to the "chanting" she does every night. Immediately, I asked "What chanting?" She answered "Oh, the prayer you taught me to pray 1 month ago? I would recite it over and over every night. I asked Jesus to heal my pain..."

Wow.. my Mum should be the warrior man! Not the receiver! Anyways, she immediately proceeded with "Oh, I need one more miracle - help me pray and ask Jesus to heal me, so that I don't need to go for surgery in November!"

"Sure, I answered." And started writing down the details on her surgery to pray against it. As my mother shared, she started telling me "You know, pray to Jesus much better. Your eldest aunt gave me this tailsman to burn and drink... Yucks.. I didn't.. I've been keeping them in the drawer." Shaken, I said to my mother "Oh, you want me to get rid of them for you?" My mother said "Yes, you take and burn them lah.... "

The next thing I know, I was getting rid of 50 to 60 over tailsman (Yes... the kind you see on TV? Yellow colour paper with red brush inks words...) I was denouncing and cutting off every curse/ blessing and source of it, and neutralising it's power with the Blood of Christ.

Point is, I was so blew away by God's work in my mother's life. Not just her faith in the prayers, but also, her eagerness to get rid of the tailsman. I am so thankful that over 60 tailsman was given to her, and she trusted none of it! Wow! This is the time! The time of mighty visitation of the Holy Spirit!

Revival is really here!!!

P.S: Do pray with me for my mother k? Thanks!

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