Monday, 9 July 2007

My 1st 100K blessing!

"It is more blessed to give, than to receive" Acts 20:35

On 8 July 2007, day 1 of the 100K blessing, I hopped onto the cab from Expo to my mother's place after service. The Lord opened the door, and I found the chance to speak with the driver on the 100K blessing.

" 免费的吗?这样好啊?" (Is it free? So good?) Was his first response. "我拜观音的,可以吗?" (I worship idols, can receive the blessing?)Was his second response. "你跟你的神讲我是Uncle 蔡,驾taxi number SHA XXXX,不然他不懂我是谁。” (You must tell your God I am Uncle Cai that drives taxi number SHA XXXX, if not He doesn't know which Uncle Cai) Was his third response. "我如果晚上开始睡得好我会再打电话给你,叫你帮我祷告别的东西." (If your prayer works and I start to sleep better at night, I will call you and ask you to pray for other things in my life) Was his final response.

Well, my take away from this, was that this man had more faith in my God than I had! He was already pulling strings for his 2nd miracle. Also, he was more determined to give me specific information so that God knows which "Uncle Cai" I was talking about.

God, you are so amazing!!! I am now sooooo excited to bless people!!!

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