Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Joyce Hope's Sharing - The Battle with the Flesh

I'm very thankful that God's training method for my ministry is really, using my own life's battles. My own desperate need to be set free, drove me to God.

Growing up in a slightly dysfunctional family (emotionally), I've always been familiar with anger. Situations that I prayed against (I knew God young, and I also knew His will is for me to have a peaceful family filled with His love) kept occuring again and again. I was always the one that was at the brunt of things yet nobody listened to me. I was helpless and the whole situation spinned out of control. I grew angry, and because I wanted the situation to go my way, I was desperate to have something in my hands that I could control the situation with.

I told God "If You don't answer my prayer, I'm going to backslide!" That's when another flesh grew too - Wrath (Punishment, wanting the other person to pay for my anger)

Later on, in another occassion, I told my ex-BF "If you don't get back with me, I'll slash my wrist before your eyes now!" (That explains the 2 scars on the back of my left wrist)

God has since shown me grace, I've learnt to repent and daily, crucify myself and walk in victory in His cross. But of late, this flesh started to come back again. (Clue: Brunt of it is my husband!) All when I began to teach on "The Adversary".

I can emphathise with myself, and say that its my background, family and past that resulted in this flesh more difficult to overcome. I can also give myself excuses that its' cos I'm teaching on this topic, this Flesh enemy is giving me problems to distract me. I think these are reasonable and to much extent, real reasons.

But I've learnt, in battles, no mercy should be shown to the enemy. Sincerity, transparency are all good virtues to show in relationships. (And accountability) But with the enemy? No. Only the truth sets us free. Only crucifying the flesh and appropriating by faith Jesus's work on the cross consistently and daily, gives us continual, moments by moments victory.

There will be some flesh that are so deep, it seems, it's harder to battle. Don't let your knowledge of your past get the better of you. Truth is- It's the truth that will set you free. Jesus commanded us to "Lay down your life, and carry the cross daily" Laying down = Crucifying your flesh. And Carrying the Cross = Claiming the Victory of the Cross. That's all you need to do. After all, everything was already done on the cross. This battle is definitely won!

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