Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Blessed 3rd bday Johanna

Dear Johanna,

Happy 3rd birthday! Time flies and you are 3 yrs old! Gosh!
I woke up a minute earlier than your birth time today, just to pray for you. As your mummy, as much as I will give my best to you, I know that ultimately, it is God who will lead you, guide you, and protect you. I'm sure you already know by now that in all things, I entrust you to the Lord.

As I was praying for you, I was reminded of how you were born...And boy was it such a deliverance! A week before you were due, the gynae said that the water levels were running low and that was a risk to you. Should it drop too low, an emergency C-section was required as it may result in some brain damage. That was an anxious time for me and Daddy, especially so as we were first time parents. Wanting a natural delivery as well as you, our precious baby to be born healthy, we prayed earnestly every night. (And boy did Daddy prayed!) We prayed for the water levels to hold steady and asked for a natural delivery! So many times Daddy prayed till he cried. You must know therefore, how much we love you!

Lo & Behold, the waters did hold steady and approaching wk 40, at God's appointed time and day, you arrived!

I remember your birth as so dramatic and fast, that by the time I asked for Epidural, the mid-wife told me "Sorry Mrs Wu, its too late! Oh dear, call Dr Ong, the baby is coming!” You see darling, your delivery was so fast that by the time the active labour and real contractions started, your head was making its way! When the gynae did arrive, in split seconds, he said “Ok Joyce, at the count of 3 push – 1, 2, 3”

And without me pushing, you came out on your own!

I think that effortless delivery (for me) and how you came out on your own is surely a mark on the way God has designed you to be. At 3, I see all your strengths – you are independent, smart and a fast learner. Of cos, you are strong. And as much as it may become a weakness, Mummy and Daddy once again, entrusts that God will take that and use it for His glory.

Be strong my dear, as strong as you can be for the good things of God. Be fearless and courageous when you see someone bullied or something is wrong. Be fast my dear, in doing the right things and setting things straight. But ultimately, girl, know that your strength comes from the very fact that the pillar and centre of your life is God.

Be anchored and planted in Him, and grow strong and deep in Him. Let your whole being be firmly rooted and established in His love, and live your life out strong with a deep sense of purpose to His kingdom, family, community and country. Make your life count, because darling, you are so special!

And indeed, you are special. Never let someone tell you otherwise, nor put you down because you, as a girl, are strong. Mummy believes that you can be strong, yet as gentle and nurturing as a woman. Because you see girl, that strength is anchored in His love.

So, for your 3rd birthday, Mummy and Daddy’s prayer is that you will grow strong in Him, rooted and established in God’s love.

Know too, darling, that we love you. You are loved.

Once again, blessed birthday.

8 Sep 2011

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