Friday, 30 January 2009

I'm finally 30!

You know you've always wanted to be 10 when you were 8 or 9... and always wanted to be 20 when you were in your teens. Things changed when you hit 30.

It's like a mark of something... a milestone of some sort. You will start to look and count your "achievements".

I did ponder on my "achievements".. or rather, God's blessings. I thank God that at age 30:

1. I am still serving Him. I count 12 years of following Christ through FC. 12 years of growing as the Almighty's daughter.
2. I am the loved and blessed wife of my husband.
3. I am the mother of my darling - Jojo.

And indeed.. praise Him!

The day was celebrated taking photos of Jo...and a chilli crab dinner w my husband by the beach! Yummy! And love from my beloved Abba Father!

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