Wednesday, 31 October 2007

The Vision of the Government of 12

It's been 5 years since going into the G12 vision, but I thought it very important that we again, re-visit and understand what this vision is all about.

Some may say "Oh, it's like Jesus, find 12 disciples, then help them find 12 disciples" Not wrong, not far from the truth.. but let's take it deeper- Find this 12 disciples and help them to find 12 disciples for what? What's the purpose of finding these lives?

"So that they experience God's love!" Says some... "So that Christ may be know!" Says others. Also not wrong, not far from the truth. But let's also take it deeper - Experience His love and preach Christ is for? Why do we do that?


The vision of G12 is one that causes restoration - for us to God (Personal), for us to people (Reconciliation with the Church of God), for us with our families(Restoration in the Family. Why? Because when we live out Mathew 6:10, His Kingdom is in us. Then naturally, restoration with God, man, in homes will occur.

How then do we truly allow His Kingdom to be at work in us? What is the process? Let's look at what happens at Encounter. We first:

1. Go to the Cross (Crossing), to recognize what Jesus has done for us
2. Understand the Father's Love for us
3. Allow God to break us through the Peniel Experience (We recognize our flesh and ask God to break us free from Spirit of Flesh, to Move only to Please the Holy Spirit)
4. Receive in obedience, the Joy of Forgiveness (as we Forgive others)
5. Engage in Spiritual Warfare, and break Generational Curses
6. Bath and Allow the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
7. Embrace the G12 Vision - Mathew 6:10

Are you living in this Vision? Or are you looking like you are, by finding your 12, but still, not in total reconciliation with God (because of sin and pride etc)? Do you often find yourself struggling with fleshly thoughts? Worse, constantly living for yourselves and your own Dreams, which honestly, is no way close to God's Vision as mentioned in Mathew 6:10.

If God visits me face to face now, and I were to interview Him "Lord, what's your dream for me?" Do you think His answer is this "Joyce, wherever you are, look out to establish My Kingdom. Look to reconcile one more person to me, restore one more family to me. Do not say to me 'Father, make me a successful singer, then I will influence others to know you through that position of influence.' I see through that Joyce. That will be tying your selfish desire and mask it to make it look like fulfilling My calling and doing Me a favour. I do not need favours from you. I want you to be Faithful. Be broken, let Me dictate, and let Me use you. If I ask you to just serve those poor fatherless children, restore them to Me, restore them such that they will grow to have Godly Families, then do it."

This was God's answer to me, back in 2000. I think when you have a Peniel Experience with the King, it's "no horse run". He sees you through, and no matter how you can justify to yourself, your leader, your spouse etc, you cannot justify that with the Lord. He knows.

Are you running in the Vision? Do you see the Vision of People Restoring to Christ, then Redeeming their past for the Glory of the Lord? As they also rise up to Restore others to Christ, do you see an army for the Lord rising? Do you see a counter culture to the world, that surely, is a culture of the King? Can you see Nations, Businesses, Education, Entertainment, filled with people restored and walking as G12 leaders, thereby resulting in "His Kingdom come, His will be done"?

I do. It's the Year of Victory. It's not over yet. Let's strengthen the 144 level to see and live the G12 Vision!

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