Thursday, 28 June 2007

Looking Far - Connecting with "Drinking Deep"

Jeremiah 17:7-8 "But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, He will be planted like a tree by the water..."

I've always been a "dreams" person. I recall growing up, Secondary School days, dreaming of becoming a world class ballerina or a superstar singer in Taiwan. (It's another story altogether, about Hope's journeys on the dreams mentioned). Point that I want to share, is that alot of times, our dreams and visions (looking far) reveals our values (going deep).

Give an illustration - I once told a very Godly pastor that I dreamt of opening up an orphanage in China, by myself doing "God's work". The pastor was very sharp to have pointed that what is of greater value, is to serve the Church, such that in playing my role in the larger community, God's hands can move in a greater way to bless the nations. Nothing wrong with my dream, nothing against serving the Church, but what the pastor pointed out, was a drastic value difference.

Then, my values were "what I can do, what I can accomplish" vs "who can I serve, what roles can I play in the larger part of God's kingdoms". My view was small then, thinking all about my talents, my passions... and me. The other view, requires you to see God's kingdom, God's community, God's instruments. Different views, though both in essence are serving the poor.

Therein my point, that alot of times, the reasons that we cannot see God's perspectives (or vision), is because we are stuck on the "I, me and myself" value. We cannot have a greater vision of and for the Lord, because all we harp on, are the values that reads "That's not me, I'm not like that.." or "That's what I want to do, that's my strength" etc.

Don't misquote me, I am not against passionate pursuits and personality traits that God has created. My whole point is this:

In order to become a huge tree (vision), we need to have deep roots (values).

Then what you will see, will become clearer and clearer, when your values are more and more Christ-like. :)

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