Wednesday, 14 February 2007

Drink Deep- From Deceitfulness to being Contrite

Numbers 22

Balak, the King of Moab had a threat - God's chosen people, Israel. After seeing what Israel had done to the Amorites, Balak decided he needed God to be on the Moab side. But since he had no relationship with God (Moabs are Baal worshippers), he sought Balaam, God's prophet to curse Israel.

I don't know what was in Balaam's mind that he actually had to sought God if he should do it. If someone told me "I will give you money and honour if you come to me, and help me curse FC," I think without a doubt, I ask say to the person "Shut up, Satan!"

Interestingly, the very "Spiritual" act of Balaam to seek the Lord is actually a deceitful act of his heart. He wanted the honour. He wanted the money. He fed on the need that he was wanted by a King. Hence, he went to seek the Lord on something, that clearly, was a "NO" from the Lord.

Is God silly? Can God be mocked? Doesn't the Lord know that Balaam was trying to "pull a fast one on God?" Certainly, God knows!

God knows, and in his wisdom, wanted to teach Balaam, as well as Balak a lesson. Notice, he allowed Balaam to go to Balak, yet was angry with Balaam that he was going.

Contradiction? No. God knew that unless He allowed Balaam's deceitful desires to be acted out and let him taste the bad fruit, Balaam will not learn the lesson. The deceitfulness will still be in Balaam, and he will still be blinded to think that he was being right by "seeking the Lord."

Notice that from v22, God had wanted to strike Balaam dead. Even his donkeys saw the angel of the Lord, yet Balaam was so driven by all the fame he will get in Moab that he was totally blinded! His donkey wanted to protect him, and sought to turn away from the angel, yet Balaam kept striking the donkey (3 times) to get the donkey on way to Moab. Finally, the Lord, pleased with the donkey, extended grace to Balaam. God opended the eyes of Balaam and he repented.

Does this strike a chord with you? Alot of times, people "seek God" on whether or not they should do something, that clearly, will displease the Lord. They rationalize in their hearts that it would not matter, and looked only to the benefits that they'll get, not whether or not it was against the nature of God. They have the audacity to ask God to bless them, or even ask at all.

Where is the Fear of the Lord? God is loving, but He will not be mocked. Why do we procrastinate to do what is pleasing before His eyes? Because we have desires in our hearts that are not 100% desires of Him!

Clearly, when our hearts are not 100% desiring the Lord, let's not kid ourselves - we're not. Let's not pretend to "Seek the Lord" on outcomes on such matters, but be clear-minded, repenting before God for our heart conditions.

God was even more pleased with a Donkey than Balaam! Repent from Deceitfulness, a Contrite heart is all He desires!

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